The Outhouse is a wooden multi-block design, it’s 3x3x3 blocks big and is big enough for a player inside.
We designed the Outhouses as a small joke for a friend of ours. He wanted something with a fly, so this was our solution. This multi-block is big enough for a player or to place one block in the lower half of this building.
Warped and crimson are available from 1.16.x.

Stackable | Yes (64) |
Tool | Axe |
Blast resistance | 3 |
Hardness | 3 |
Luminant | Yes |
Transparent | No |
Animate | No |
Three-dimensional | Yes |
Size | 3x3x3 |
Flammable | No |
Catches fire from lava | No |
Can villager open | No |
First, you need to craft 1 Heart Door of the wood type you would like for this outhouse. Then you combine the door with 4 planks of the same wood, 1 smooth stripped wood block of same wood and 1 gray concrete to 1 Outhouse.
Hardness | 3 |
Tool | Axe |
Breaking time
Default | 4.5 |
Wooden | 2.25 |
Stone | 1.15 |
Iron | 0.75 |
Diamond | 0.6 |
Netherite | 0.5 |
Golden | 0.4 |
The Outhouse multi-block need a 3 by 3 area and will be placed on the front corner. To place it central, the block diagonal to the player needed to be focused.
Opening and Redstone component
The Outhouses can be opened by hand or Redstone.
More information to doors and Redstone:
Version | Change description |
1.0.0 | Added Outhouses (oak, birch, acacia, spruce, jungle and dark oak) |
1.1.0 | Added Outhouses (crimson, warped) |
Issues relating to the “Many Ideas Doors” can be reported here.