The Safe Door is an iron door design. There is also a 3×3 blocks Big Safe Door.
We designed the Safe Door to provide a small secure looking Iron door design. Like default doors, this door don’t block light. Maybe there


Stackable | Yes (64) |
Tool | Pickaxe |
Blast resistance | 5 |
Hardness | 5 |
Luminant | No |
Transparent | No |
Animation | No |
Three-dimensional | No |
Size | 1×2 |
Flammable | No |
Catches fire from lava | No |
Can opened by | Redstone |
Can villager open | No |
First, you need to cut 2 iron panels with the diamond table saw. Next, you combine the iron panels and 1 iron bar in the crafting table to 2 Safe Doors.
Hardness | 5 |
Tool | Pickaxe |
Breaking time
Default | 25 |
Wooden | 3.75 |
Stone | 1.9 |
Iron | 1.25 |
Diamond | 0.95 |
Netherite | 0.85 |
Golden | 0.65 |
Independent of the block state, the door cannot be opened by villagers.
The Safe Door can only be placed on full solid blocks. Place those doors like you would place a default door in Minecraft.
More information to door placement:
Opening and Redstone component
By default, the Safe Door can be opened by Redstone.
If the door is in the block state “Redstone only” or “both“, it can be opened by a Redstone signal. For example, by placing a Redstone block next to one of the door blocks and placing a Redstone torch beneath it.
The door can be opened by hand, if it is in the block state “hand only” or “both“. If a door is in the block state “nothing“, it cannot be opened. The settings can be changed with the ManyIdeas core item “Redstone key”.
More information to doors and Redstone:
Version | Change description |
1.0.0 | Added Safe Door |
Issues relating to the “Many Ideas Doors” can be reported here.