The Rainbow Dye is our own dye, created for our 17th colour. It is used for most, but not all, of our rainbow-coloured blocks.



We didn’t want to make a medley of different dyes to craft our own colour. So we used an item, that has not many uses, but can be looted a lot and often get tossed away. So we used the Prismarine Crystals and our own Mortar and created so our very own dye.


Rainbow Dye
StackableYes (64)
Natural spawnNo


Right-click with 1 Prismarine Crystals on the standing Mortar to have 1 Rainbow Dye land in the player’s inventory, if it is not full.


The Rainbow Dye is crafting materials only.

In ManyIdeas Core you can craft, for example: Rainbow Terracotta, Rainbow Wood, Rainbow Glass, Rainbow Colored Planks and Rainbow Concrete Powder.


VersionChange description
1.0.0Added Rainbow Dye


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