There are three different Table Saws in this mod. They create in ManyIdeas Core the panels and plates, that are needed in different ManyIdeas modules. In later modules they will be used to create stairs, carvings and more.
We knew, from the start, that we would need a saw of some kind. But we didn’t want to use the default stone cutter for different reasons. We wanted to cut glass, wood, stones and metals. So we designed three different blades that would be able to cut those materials.

Stackable | Yes (64) |
Tool | Axe |
Blast resistance | 2.5 |
Hardness | 2.5 |
Luminant | No |
Transparent | Yes |
Animation | No |
Three-dimensional | No |
Size | 1×1 |
Flammable | No |
Catches fire from lava | No |
Natural spawn | No |

For one Table Saw, you need 5 planks of some wood and 1 Saw Blade. To craft the saw you need 5 stone/iron/diamond and put it in a cross in the crafting table. It is possible to upgrade a saw by crafting it together with the new saw (blade).
Hardness | 2.5 |
Tool | Axe |
Breaking time
Default | 9 |
Wooden | 1.25 |
Stone | 0.7 |
Iron | 0.45 |
Diamond | 0.35 |
Netherite | 0.3 |
Golden | 0.25 |
Type | Stone Table Saw | Iron Table Saw | Diamond Table Saw |
Wooden Panels | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Gold Plate | No | Yes | Yes |
Copper Plate | No | Yes | Yes |
Iron Plate | No | No | Yes |
Quartz Plate | No | No | Yes |
For all Panels/Plates, you need a full block of the material to put it into the Table Saw. It depends on the material, which type of saw is needed.
The Table Saws can be place like the default Crafting Table.
Version | Change description |
1.0.0 | Added Stone Table Saw, Iron Table Saw, Diamond Table Saw |
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