The seamless Colored Planks are a typical building block. It has a different way of placement, then default planks, more for that down in Placement. It’s available in all 16 default colours and Rainbow!
Seamless Colored Planks come to our mind last minute in making this mod, and then we formed the idea to make it place vertical and horizontal. For your perfect barn, for your Swedish county house, for your crazy coloured rooms.

Black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, light-blue, light-gray, lime, magenta, orange, pink, purple, rainbow, red, white, yellow
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Tool | Axe |
Blast resistance | 3 |
Hardness | 2 |
Luminant | No |
Transparent | No |
Animation | No |
Three-dimensional | No |
Size | 1×1 |
Flammable | No |
Catches fire from lava | No |
Natural spawn | No |

All recipes are for the Dye Crafting Table only. Seamless Planks or other Colored Planks can be dyed with 1 dye to the wanted color. Or 1 Colored Wood can be crafted into 4 Colored Planks.
Hardness | 2 |
Tool | Axe |
Breaking time
Default | 3 |
Wooden | 1.5 |
Stone | 0.75 |
Iron | 0.5 |
Diamond | 0.4 |
Netherite | 0.35 |
Golden | 0.25 |
It’s a building block and nothing else.
This block can be placed like logs. If you look on top of the block you are placing on, you will get a vertical planked design. If you stand on eye level with the block you place against, you get a horizontal stripped plank design. By this design, there are more versatility to this block.
Version | Change description |
1.0.0 | Added Colored Planks |
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