The Fireplace is a 3 block wide, two block high and one block deep decoration. Perfect for a campfire or a hidden door behind it.
The Fireplace can be placed on the ground. It has a variation for every wood type, but all with bricks.


Stackable | Yes (64) |
Tool | Any |
Blast resistance | 6 |
Hardness | 2 |
Luminant | No |
Transparent | Yes |
Animation | Yes |
Three-dimensional | Yes |
Size | 1×1 |
Flammable | No |
Catches fire from lava | No |
Natural spawn | No |
The Fireplace will be crafted with one Iron Panel, four blocks of Bricks and four Smooth Stripped Wood of the wanted type in the stone table saw or better.
Hardness | 2 |
Tool | Any |
Breaking time
Default | 10.0 |
It is perfect for every house decoration. It doesn’t come with a fireplace, but it fits one perfectly. The opening in the middle can be passed while shifting.
The Fireplace can be placed on the full blocks.
Version | Change description |
1.0.0 | Added Fireplace(acacia, birch, crimson, dark oak, jungle, oak, spruce, warped) |
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